How was it that Christianity came to be different than what came before in the Old Testament? Moore supposes that it was due to the influence of other religions.

Moore wondered what Jesus (real name Joshua, the Greeks confused things) would have been like in the years leading up to his being 30 and a then fully formed Messiah. If you enjoy the antics of Monty Python and The Holy Grail and a tongue in cheek look at how Jesus created Christianity, then you will be delighted by this book. If poking fun at religions, particularly Christianity and Judaism, along with Buddhism, Hinduism, and others, is not your thing then this is not the book for you. Happy to report that it lived up to the hype!

However, I’m grateful I did as this was my first event with Moore and he was highly entertaining! Lawson shared that Lamb is her favorite book by him which instantly put it on my radar, then Cannonballer Ardaigle gave it high praise, so I ordered it. No disrespect to Christopher Moore but had I not procrastinated I would have seen Jenny Lawson in conversation with either Felicia Day or Neil Gaiman for her Broken (in the best possible way) promotion. CBR13 Bingo Square: Pandemic – I highly recommend reading this during a pandemic, the laughs were needed!